- 【Activity】2023 Tongji Dragon Boat Team Recruitment
- 2023-03-31
- 同济大学留学生办公室将组织我校留学生组队参加2023年上海高校外国留学生龙舟赛,并于4月下旬进行一次队员选拔,请有意参加同济大学留学生龙舟队的留学生同学于4月10日前报名,名额60人(男生40人,女生20人)。龙舟赛规则:登舟比赛队员为划手18人、鼓手1...
- Winner List of Year 2023-2024 Tongji University & Bank of China Global Talent...
- 2023-03-28
- 按照同济大学-中国银行全球菁英奖学金的录取工作要求,经学生本人申请、院系推荐、学校综合评议,AKOSAH STEPHEN等5名国际博士研究生获得2023-2024年度秋季学期同济大学-中国银行全球菁英奖学金。现予以公示,公示截止日期为2023年4月3日。According to the...
- Winner List of Year 2023-2024 Shanghai Government Scholarship for Internation...
- 2023-03-28
- 经留学生办公室初审、院系审核、奖学金评审委员会综合评议, 以下108名 国际学生获得 2023-2024 年度上海市政府外国留学生奖学金 (第一批) 。现予以公示,公示截止日期为2023 年4月3日。According to the comprehensive evaluations of the International ...
- Notice on the Opening of the Second Batch of Scholarship Applications
- 2023-03-13
- The application for the admission of international students to Tongji University for the autumn semester of 2023 (scholarship program - the second batch) has opened today and will remain open until April 20, 2023.The scholarship programs...
- The “Study in Shanghai”multi-language website
- 2022-11-24
- The “Study in Shanghai”multi-language website (http://study.edu.sh.gov.cn/en/) is an official portal of the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission to serve international students in Shanghai, attract overseas students who are intere...