- 同济大学国际学生达人秀
- 2020-12-04
- 作品要求形式:线上视频(不超过3分钟)类型:类型不限,包括唱歌/舞蹈/魔术/才艺展示等视频语言:英语/汉语/各自的母语视频字幕:英语视频分辨率:1080p参与人数:2人及以上(需家人/朋友一同出镜,小组...
- 第四届来华留学生征文大赛暨短视频大赛
- 2020-05-15
- “海聚英才”——2020“春归浦江”云选会系列活动之——“才聚浦东,创...
- 2020-04-03
- Digital Art Competition
- 2020-03-03
- As we are all fully aware, China is still progressivelycombating against the new Coronavirus (COVID-19).The situation is gradually improving and hopefullyeverything will resolve soon!In lig...
- 同济大学国际学生Vlog大赛 Tongji International Students Vlog Competi...
- 2019-11-13
- Would you like to show the world a glimpse of your interesting daily lifestyle at Tongji University? Would you like to express your feelings and thoughts about Tongji University into a vi...